
By Dan Crump (Chair)

LLPRAC held its first meeting in several years on May 31.  We made changes to the Committee Mission and Goals statement which is on the Chancellor’s Office website-- page is under the Academic Affairs division.  Major changes included deletion of “Collection Development” and inclusion of “Student Equity & Success.”

The Committee made changes to the Guide, mostly to reflect organizational changes in the field, and also to clarify the following items:

By James Wiser, Consortium Director

I hope your summer has been relaxing and you’re settling in to gear up for the upcoming fall semester.  It’s been a busy summer for the Library Consortium, and here are a few updates to keep in mind as the fall semester continues:

Members of the Los Angeles region gathered for their bi-annual meeting at the Tam O’Shanter on August 17.  Leaders from the eleven colleges were able to attend.

By Gregg Atkins, CCL Executive Director

Membership:  I’m making a list and checking it twice … oops, no, that’s Santa.